

【マルブロ】/ “ 25ss TRAVEL JACKET + TROUSERS ”

March 27, 2025 19:17:32

Hello, everyone.

This is Mr.◯ here.

Thank you very much for your inquiry and visiting our store.

As I already mentioned previous article, we have a lot of matching clothes, “jacket and trousers” at our store, junhashimoto NAGOYA.

This time, I am going to introduce you convenient functional clothes.

Please take your time.


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These are named “Travel Jacket and Travel Pants“ that can be possibly worn in 3 seasons such as Spring, Summer and Autumn.


Navy / Black / Greige ( Neutral color between gray and beige )

In our opinion,

Navy is expressed by rare color tone, slightly mixed with grey.

Black is not pure black, and the tone is like blended with dark navy and charcoal grey.

Greige is beautiful grey added beige a bit.

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As an image shows below, black jacket gives us cool impact by combining black T-shirt.

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In general, ‘Travel’ makes think of some actions for going somewhere. 

For example, taking a seat on the train, walking on the street, moving by taxi, meeting and dinner time and so on. 

In other words, Travel Jacket and Trousers are useful for business trip in domestic and overseas.

A special fabric which is called ‘Magic Stretch’ is adopted, and it includes polyester 91% and polyurethane 9%.

That can be easily washed on the trip, and it dries quickly.

It is also hard to wrinkle.


1032510009 / BLACK / size 3 / ¥63,800 (Tax included)

1102111023 / BLACK / size 3 / ¥14,300 (Tax included)

1072510059 / BLACK / size 4 / ¥38,500 (Tax included)

※Model : Lovely Store Manager, Height 170cm, Weight 72kg

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1032510009 / BLACK・NAVY・GREIGE / size 2・3・4・5 / ¥63,800 (Tax included)

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junhashimoto continuously releases Travel Jacket for demand of mobility like business trip.

The functional design is also well-considered with…

:Layered pocket on front

:9 pockets are all in 

:Notch lapel

:4 buttons on sleeve

:Single vent

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1072510059 / BLACK・NAVY・GREIGE / size 2・3・4・5 / ¥38,500 (Tax included)

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We are confident in the comfort of trousers so always suggest customers to try it on.

Lovely store manager : Would you like to try this on?

Then, customers often immediately decide to purchase this trousers.

Customer : Oh, this is really nice!   Amazing!

Even if they have a look trousers closer, it is difficult to feel the strengths of the trousers properly.

Additionally, the string can be put on the inside of the waist so the wearer can choose with or without a belt.

Please experience comfortable fitting and smart silhouette.

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Thank you very much for reading this article to the end.

We are always looking forward to seeing you at the store. 




“ 今週の営業スケジュールについて ”
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<< j u n h a s h i m o t o N A G O Y A >>

・3月24日(月) : 通常営業 / 榊原
・3月25日(火) : 通常営業 / 榊原
・3月26日(水) : 通常営業 / Mr.○
・3月27日(木) : 通常営業 / Mr.○
・3月28日(金) : 通常営業 / 榊原・Mr.○
・3月29日(土) : 通常営業 / 榊原・Mr.○
・3月30日(日) : 通常営業 / 榊原・Mr.○


– INFO –

▽ j u n h a s h i m o t o 25ss / デリバリー開始

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【 残り僅かとなりました 】
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・1列溜めて頂くと 2,500円の値引き券。

・2列溜めて頂くと 5,000円の値引き券。







– 通信販売について –


junhashimoto NAGOYA
定休日:なし / ※不定休
・instagram / junhashimotoNAGOYA



現在、junhashimoto では事業拡大に伴い販売スタッフを募集しております。